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  • Gibney Solutions

The Current Job Market for College Students

College students will experience a challenging job market both for internships and full-time roles after graduation. Although it may be difficult in the near term there are a number of things students can do now to prepare:

1. Make sure all school requirements are in order. Delays in completing studies will add to costs.

2. Build skillsets – Learn coding, brush up on your foreign language skills or teach yourself excel. There are a lot of online resources available.

3. Network - use LinkedIn to reach out to alumni from your college and those in your career field.

4. Check your college’s career site. “Attend” virtual career fairs or workshops and check job postings.

5. Many internships and full-time jobs will be postponed or cancelled. As an alternative, reach out to local businesses and offer to do projects for free -- treat it like a college course. Having experience on your resume is key.

Don't give creative and flexible. Set up a daily schedule to manage your career. Careers are marathons.


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